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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Review: Single by K.L. Slater

by K.L. Slater

Publisher: Bookouture
Publish Date: November 25, 2019
Kindle Edition
383 Pages
Genre: Psychological Thriller

‘I keep feeling like I’m being watched – dropping the boys off at school, choosing wine at the supermarket – but when I turn around there’s nobody there…’

When single mother Darcy’s son falls from a rope bridge at a local playground, life stands still. She clutches his small, limp body, frozen, until a pair of strong hands push her aside, and she watches as George, a local doctor, saves her son’s life.

George is a single parent too, and with his twinkling hazel eyes, easy charm, and lack of wedding band is almost too good to be true, but coffee becomes lunch, lunch becomes dinner, and soon they can’t go an evening without seeing each other. When he invites her to move into his beautiful home with its sprawling garden for her boys, Darcy doesn’t hesitate.

But as Darcy is settling in, she receives a bunch of flowers with a chilling message. George says they’re from an obsessed ex-girlfriend, Opal, and days later Opal turns up at Darcy’s son’s football match. She claims to have shocking information that could threaten George’s custody of his daughter.

Darcy doesn’t know who to trust, but she’s starting to suspect that, whatever the truth, she might have put her beloved boys into terrible danger…

From the million-copy-bestselling author K.L. Slater this utterly gripping psychological thriller will make you gasp out loud as you race towards the unforgettable twist. If you loved The Girl on the Train and The Wife Between Us this book is for you.

My Review:

It's been a while since I've picked up a K.L. Slater book and I don't know WHY IT TOOK ME SO LONG.  This is my third book by her and this one is just as addictive and bat shit as the rest.  I mean, if I'M not going to be here for the crazy, who will? You?  YOU? Haha - of course you are!

What I especially love is how quick these reads are.  You simply want to keep going to figure out what the hell is happening because there's always something going on and nothing is ever what it seems to be.  Now, I'm ALL about suspending reality and taking on some ridiculousness.  Sometimes it can get a little TOO convoluted and then it starts to lose a little magic.  Unfortunately this one DOES go in this direction.  

There are just too many twists trying to be worked into this.  While I didn't see every single one coming my way...  well, with all that was going on, I was going to miss catching a few of those balls regardless.  I don't think the flashbacks did any favors to the story and sometimes it was difficult in figuring out whose voice was talking within a chapter.  Then the ending kind of went abrupt to three months later and now my neck hurts because whiplash. 

HOWEVER, this book was still absolutely addicting and despite all the little things that didn't *quite* work, I did love the insanity of it all.  How quickly everything unraveled.  How everything ended up tying together.  All the YES for ALL the crazy.  It's why I love these books so much.  My favorite K.L. Slater so far is Blink - so if you love crazy thrillers, definitely read Slater and definitely read Blink.  I would still recommend this one as well - just remember the book is insane, not you. *wink*


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