Review: Milk Fed by Melissa Broder
Thank you Simon Schuster Audio & for this copy.
Publisher: Simon Schuster Audio
Publish Date: February 2, 2021
6 hrs 48 minutes
Genres: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+
My Review:
Broder puts us right into Rachel's blunt, obsessive and horny head and her voice is LOUD. As a loud person myself, I absolutely appreciate this. What I related to the most was how she constantly played out scenes in her head, the obsessive personality, the insecurities we all face in one way or another and how the smallest word or phrase could change the mood in an instant. I HEAR YOU, RACHEL. However, I did feel like things were SOOOO repetitive. Now, I'm sure this was intentional as this is what obsession looks like, but it wore on me after a while. And while I'm not opposed to the word 'pussy', I'm so over hearing it. There are about a zillion other words for pussy and yet this was the word thrown out over and over and over again. Make it stopppppppppp.
To be quite honest, I think had I not listened to this on audio, I probably would have DNF'd it. I didn't find it particularly funny and almost quit early on... but I decided to stick with it and grew to find myself involved. Those scenes where Rachel is first meeting Miriam was so frustrating because as a picky eater, I do NOT like when people question why I do or don't do something with my food. Like, just let me do what I want please and not pressure me into sprinkles or some shit, ya know? Again, I hear you, Rachel.
I truly wanted to like this more than I did. I loved the bluntness and raw whatever that was being put across but most of the time I felt myself cringing and happy when it finally ended. Eep.
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