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Saturday, January 2, 2021

#ATBR2021 Review: Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy

Goodnight Beautiful
by Aimee Molloy

Publisher: Harper
Publish Date: October 13, 2020
293 Pages
Genres: Thriller, Suspense

Newlyweds Sam Statler and Annie Potter are head over heels, and excited to say good-bye to New York and start a life together in Sam's sleepy hometown in upstate New York. Or, it turns out, a life where Annie spends most of her time alone while Sam, her therapist husband, works long hours in his downstairs office, tending to the egos of his (mostly female) clientele.

Little does Sam know that through a vent in his ceiling, every word of his sessions can be heard from the room upstairs. The pharmacist's wife, contemplating a divorce. The well-known painter whose boyfriend doesn’t satisfy her in bed. Who could resist listening? Everything is fine until the French girl in the green mini Cooper shows up, and Sam decides to go to work and not come home, throwing a wrench into Sam and Annie's happily ever after.

My Review:

I'm shaking my head but also smiling after I just closed this highly entertaining read.  This damn book.... I'm actually super excited to go read all the reviews of this once I finish writing this one.  I have a feeling that one big portion is going to be a love/hate for some readers.  I personally found it super entertaining - though at one point I was wondering just HOW much of this was actually going to continue.  Then it did a 180 of sideways (which translates to it still being sideways) and took you into a different direction.  You'll know what I'm talking about when you read this and if you haven't read it yet, mark it and come back to me when you do!

This synopsis does little to tell you what this story is about.  I actually went back to read it after I was done because that did not feel like the book I thought I just read ... and I mean that in the BEST way.  This is a super fun one to go into blind, which you basically are even if you have read the synopsis...  ANYWAYS..... I loved all the little nods to a different piece of literature.  And it was really a pleasure to see it progress from one type of thriller rolling right into a different type with the insanity escalating at a very fun pace.  You'll probably have to suspend a little bit of reality, which I really don't mind doing.

I will say that I could've done without the epilogue. ⧓ A little too tidied up for my taste, but I also couldn't help getting a little smirk on my face at that last line.  Brilliant yet maddening for me! 🤣  Listen y'all,  I appreciate the uniqueness of this thriller so much.  I was absolutely entertained throughout the entirety of this read and there are some definite fun reveals that happen.   Happy reading, friends!


Jessica's Review:

Another day, another great thriller! That's one great thing that's come out of 2020, plenty of entertaining and exciting thrillers. GOODNIGHT BEAUTIFUL is one of those crazy rides that just grabs you and doesn't let go. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't even read the synopsis before starting it because I loved Molloy's last book. I enjoyed all of the crazy twists and turns that the author takes us on within this book - it's not often I'm completely wrong when it comes to guessing the end but Molloy managed to stump me on this one.

Newlywed couple Sam and Annie leave New York to move back to his home town to start their life together. Sam is a psychiatrist and works out of his downstairs office in their house. Little does he know, Annie tends to listen in on his client seasons through the vents in their home. I mean, would wouldn't be a little curious about the small town's gossip? Everything changes when Sam doesn't come home and now Annie must try to find him before the blame is pinned on her.

Far too much that I could potentially spoil, so I'll stop there (which is basically the same information you'll get from the synopsis). If you frequent the thriller genre then you'll also appreciate this one because of how unique it is. I highly recommend this one as well as Molloy's other release, THE PERFECT MOTHER. I will continue to pick up what she releases!

4 stars

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