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Thursday, February 28, 2019

REVIEW: Dark Chains by LaTasha B. Braxton @Itsmzchampagne

Dark Chains 
by LaTasha B. Braxton

Thank you so much to the author for this copy.

Self Published
Publish Date: April 7, 2018
Kindle Edition
Genre: Memoir

Dark Chains is an inspirational and spiritual book about a misguided young girl who struggles to survive mental, emotional, and physical abuse. Plagued by decades of pain, mental illness and generational curses. She enters a life without God at a young age, and finds herself infatuated with the idea of escaping and never returning to the abusive life she once was subjected, manipulated and conditioned to living in.

My Review:

How does one properly review a memoir that is this poignant about the abuse and mistreatment of youth and the author's own experiences? I'm grateful to the author for putting her words out there and honoring me with a copy.  As painful as it was for her to write, I am certain this will help those that are going through the same things and to know that hope is out there and that you can overcome your past.

The things she went through as a child - the horrors that seemed to culminate chapter by chapter were sometimes hard to read.  Her honesty in how she dealt with these, the people that helped to ease some of the painful moments, the actions she took to herself as a way of dealing and escaping and how she found a way to become better despite this being an undercurrent for the rest of her life.  

I'm not a religious person but I commend that she found God and that has made all the difference in her life. While I think SHE made all the difference in her life, having that faith is admirable.  This will surely help those that are going through the same type of experiences.  Unfortunately, this is all too real in the world that we live in.

Thank you for sharing your story.


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