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Friday, August 10, 2018

BLOG TOUR: The Trailing Spouse by Jo Furniss @Jo_Furniss @luauthors @annecater #thetrailingspouse

The Trailing Spouse
by Jo Furniss

So excited to be today's stop on the Blog Tour for this amazing book!

Big thanks to Lake Union Publishing and Random Things Tours for this copy and stop.

Absolutely adored this book - see below for a synopsis, about the author (note how the her dress matches the book!) and see my review.

Publisher:  Lake Union Publishing
Publish Date:  August 14, 2018
352 Pages
Genre: Domestic Thriller

Do you really want to know the truth?

Amanda Bonham moved halfway around the world to be with the man she loves. Although expat life in Singapore can be difficult, Edward Bonham is a dream husband and a doting father to his teenage daughter, Josie.

But when their maid dies in an apparent suicide—and Amanda discovers the woman was pregnant and hiding a stash of drugs prescribed to Edward—she can’t help but wonder if her perfect husband has a fatal flaw. And if he can’t resist temptation under their own roof, what does he get up to when he travels?

Camille Kemble also has questions for Edward. Recently returned to Singapore, Camille is determined to resolve a family mystery. Amid a jumble of faded childhood memories, she keeps seeing Edward’s handsome face. And she wants to know why.

For one woman, the search for answers threatens everything she has. For another, it’s the key to all she lost. Both will follow his trail of secrets into the darkness to find the truth.

After spending a decade as a broadcast journalist for the BBC, Jo Furniss gave up the glamour of night shifts to become a freelance writer and serial expatriate. Originally from the UK, she lived in Switzerland and Cameroon, and currently resides with her family in Singapore.

As a journalist, Jo has worked for numerous online outlets and magazines, including Monocle, The Economist, Business Traveller, Expat Living (Singapore) and Swiss News. Jo has also edited books for a Nobel Laureate and the Palace of the Sultan of Brunei. She has a Distinction in MA Professional Writing from Falmouth University. In 2015 she founded—an online literary magazine for writers in Singapore.

All the Little Children is Jo’s debut novel and she is working on a second domestic thriller to be released in 2018.

Connect with her via Facebook
(/JoFurnissAuthor) and Twitter (@Jo_Furniss) or through her website:
My Review:

Oh how I do love it when a domestic thriller surprises me.  I was expecting the typical story as there has been an abundance lately in the thriller world but nope!  Here's something a little bit different that will surprise and please thriller lovers everywhere.

What I loved was the expat life and the different rules that apply when living overseas.  Coming from a military family and having expat friends all over the world, I all too well know how this can go so it's fascinating and fun to see in a novel.  

This story bounces between Amanda and Camille - Amanda, a "trailing spouse" (I actually just learned this terminology and it is SO FITTING), having marital and reproduction problems, whose maid just committed suicide by drinking bleach (I'm not sure I can think of much worst ways to kill yourself) and Camille, obsessed with what happened with her parents.  Both in Singapore, their paths cross and will change their lives irrevocably.  

I honestly didn't see that ending coming.  I knew there was something weird.. I KNEW IT... but yeah, THAT wasn't quite what I was expecting though I had an inkling.  Am I losing you yet?  Read the book so you know what I'm saying! 

This moves at a great pace and you end up being just as confused and misdirected as the characters - personally, I love that.


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