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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

REVIEW: Saving Beck by Courtney Cole @gallerybooks @court_writes

Saving Beck
by Courtney Cole

Thanks so much to Gallery Books for this surprise gifted copy.
A gorgeous story about addiction and hope.


Publisher:  Gallery Books
Publish Date:  July 17, 2018
304 Pages
Genre:  Fiction

There comes a time when offering your life for your child’s doesn’t work, when you realize that it’ll never be enough. 

The cold needle in his warm vein was a welcome comfort to my son at first. But then it became the monster that kept us apart. 

Heroin lied, and my son believed. It took him to a world where the last year didn’t happen, to a place where his father was still alive. What Beck didn’t understand was that it couldn’t bring his father back from the dead. It couldn’t take away his pain, not permanently. 

You think it can’t happen to you, that your kids, your family, will never be in this situation. 
I thought that too. But you’re wrong. 

Step into our world, and see for yourself. 
Watch my golden boy become a slave to this raging epidemic. Watch me try and save him. 

Drug addiction comes with a price. 
Trust me, you’re not equipped to pay it. 

My Review:

I started this book last night and after a few chapters had to put it down because my mind wasn't set for such a heavy read. So I started another book and a few chapters into that one, felt myself drawn back to picking this one back up. I probably would've stayed up late to finish it had I had some decent sleep the night before. I did have time this morning to finish it and I was right, this IS a heavy, heavy read.

People have the tendency to think "This won't happen, can't happen to me or anyone I know." However, it's all too common that there is some type of addiction happening within a family. Whether it's nicotine, alcohol, pills, food or heroin. It can also happen to the least likely person you think it WOULD happen to.. such as Beck, an intelligent young man on his way to college when one devastating accident sends him in a downward spiral.

This isn't just about Beck and his addiction though. This is also about grief, how everyone deals with this differently. We not only see what Beck is going through but how everyone around him is also dealing with their own feelings. Cole really brings you into this realistic, devastating and harrowing tale. However, this isn't just about the drug addiction and Beck's fight for his life. It's also about hope... hope... a feeling humans are lucky to feel.

I was fascinated about how well Cole brings us into this type of story so I went to her website hoping to find out more and found that she has dealt with her son's addiction and has video's discussing this with him. I highly recommend you go and watch this as it really just makes you feel all that more for this story. Thank you, Courtney, for your experiences and bringing this to the public.
